Bean Burrito

Bean Burrito

I feel like I've reached the top of a mountain. 
My art has always been an extension of my self. Just as my home is an extension of my mind, my art exists as it is. 

I have had little time to grow my skills, I've been so busy with babies and self-healing. Heavy burnout & depression made it impossible to create art for long periods of time. But I have persevered.

At first asking myself, is this manic? Am I sure? Or did I really reach this plateau where I can be comfortable with myself/my art/my home?

When there is nothing left to give we must pull ourselves up from the depths and work harder to get ahead. 

For me this looked like at my most burnt out, and frazzled, I made the extra effort to make a bean burrito and put it in the freezer for later. 

I saw the burrito later in the week, so tired, hungry and with no executive function to feed myself, I popped that shit in the oven and ate it an hour later. 

Somehow that was a revelation for me. I said to myself "present me thanks past me for thinking of future me." It was like a shift in the way I saw the process. 

If I want to be happy in the fututre, I actually HAVE to do this. 


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